Beauty is Dangerous. Wholesome. Ageless. Traditional. Modern. Constantly Evolving. Male. Female. And Everything in Between. Its a form of individuality. Beauty is an Attitude. It’s a way of looking at the world. A way of seeing and being seen. Finally Beauty has a home.
It’s the curve of a cheekbone. The confidence of a wink. The way a little black dress hangs off a shoulder. It’s the jagged coastline spilling into the sea. The grain in the wood of a Danish table. The sun lighting up a townhead’s ringlets.

There has never been a network dedicated solely to beauty like Beauty Network®. Through our collective experience in the beauty industry, broadcast media, commerce and TV production, our network will host a channel that will be home to all things beauty, delivering content from the traditional to the cutting edge.. expanding the notion of what beauty is.
Original Content commissioned from top producers and generated in house. Aggregated Content, Branded Content & Licensed Content, movies, documentaries, TV shows, etc. with beauty-themed content. Traditional Beauty Makeup, Hair, Nails,
Skincare, Procedures. Expanded Beauty Architecture, Design, Fashion, Lifestyle. Beauty-Adjacent TV and Movies with Beauty Themes.

Beauty Network® will offer a wide array of cutting-edge programming that explores beauty in all its many forms. Not just the expected content of makeup, makeovers, and beauty tips, but in-depth explorations and unexpected insights that expand the boundaries of what beauty is considered to be.
With options from BeautyTV® and The Beauty Channel®; From tutorials to dramatic series; from documentaries to feature films. We will host it all.
Beauty Network® will explore beauty in all its dimensions and be the platform that shows viewers that, indeed… beauty is EVERYWHERE.